“You know what it's like having five kids? Imagine you're drowning. And someone hands you a baby.” -- Jim Gaffigan Can you relate? Maybe not with having 5 kids, but do you feel at times you’re barely keeping your head above water when it comes to this parenting thing? Yesterday was “Swim a Lap Day”. All of my children have been on the swim team, and I’ve seen kids swim hundreds of laps over and over and over. One night at practice, a little guy was learning to swim on his back. The coach kept telling him, “Point your feet!” He pointed them straight up to the ceiling, smiled, and hardly moved.
Let’s face it - asking for help is TOUGH! What’s even MORE difficult is asking for help when things are extremely difficult, complicated, or messy. Maybe you feel stuck or aren’t quite sure where to start. Maybe you’ve thought, “I should be able to handle this!” and have been too proud to admit there’s a real problem. Grin and bear it, right?
AuthorDana Parisi Archives
December 2024